
5 Types of Essential 药学技术人员 Skills


药学专业人员在高质量的病人护理中发挥着重要作用. 药学技术人员的工作有助于确保处方药的有效和安全分发和使用. 没有他们, patients could take medications improperly, which could cause mild to severe consequences for the patients.

As an important member of a pharmacy’s team, 药房技术人员的作用是通过面对病人和幕后工作保持药房有效运作, from patient consulting to data management. Pharmacy technicians have rewarding jobs and are in steady demand. 美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(BLS)预计,在2022年至2032年间,药学技术人员的就业机会将增长6%,是所有职业平均增长率的两倍. 

为了在这个角色中取得成功,药学技术人员必须具备特定的技能. 这些核心能力使他们能够自信地成功处理工作的多方面职责. 发展药学技术人员技能的一个重要步骤是参加一个 医疗保健 tech training program.


Pharmacy technicians handle the intricacies of a pharmacy’s operations. 这包括从接收和填写处方单到准备和维护药房使用的任何设备. They also act as patient advocates who answer questions, 排除故障, and are familiar with the challenges of various health conditions. Pharmacy technicians must interact with patients, 遵守法规, and help pharmacists with drug therapy and other care-related tasks, such as billing and inventory management.

Pharmacy technicians are employed by drugstores, grocery stores, 医院疗养院和其他类型的医疗设施,如复方药房. 虽然他们在医疗保健领域没有最需要体力的工作, 药学技术人员必须保持良好的状态来处理这项工作所需要的许多因素.

Since many employers only hire certified 药学技术人员s, 课程毕业生应计划通过组织获得认证,如药房技术员认证委员会或国家健康职业协会. 另外, 在被允许与药剂师一对一工作之前,个人通常必须完成数百小时的在职培训.

5 药学技术人员 Skill Types

Because they help patients with a range of medication needs, 药学技术人员s must have a well-rounded skill set, which includes a mix of hard and soft skills.

1. 制药技能

与药学技术人员角色相关的一些能力直接涉及药品, such as understanding prescriptions, being able to calculate prescriptions, and understanding the difference between branded and generic drugs. Others correlate to the operational side of pharmacy management, such as being able to track inventory, 维护设备, 处理过期药品. 

另外, 药房技术人员必须了解与医疗保健和药品相关的法律遵从性问题, 例如健康保险流通和责任法案(HIPAA)和食品和药物管理局(FDA)合规性. All of these tasks require accuracy, attention to detail, 可靠性、完整性 mathematical proficiency, and the ability to multitask.

2. 技术技能 

药学技术人员与技术系统相互作用以完成基本任务, such as recording patient information, 跟踪库存, 办理保险理赔. 这就要求他们熟练掌握基本的软件程序和行业特定的应用程序, such as appointment-scheduling software. It also requires them to be comfortable with using computers.               

3. 管理能力

一些最重要的药学技术人员技能集中在药房运营的商业方面. These skills typically have a connection to pharmaceuticals, 例如能够检查处方和确定保险范围. 其他技能侧重于操作功能,例如能够订购供应品.

4. 人际关系技巧 

药学技术人员必须与其他专业人员和患者互动. 这意味着人际能力,如解决冲突的能力, 专业, and customer service skills are essential to job success. 在与患者讨论关键问题时,这些技能尤为重要, 比如分解药品成本或解释医疗指示.

5. 软技能 

作为一名成功的药学技术人员所需要的软技能与个人特点有关, and they are at the core of performing the job at an optimal level. These soft skills include communication, 批判性思维, 详细的方向, 组织, 时间管理, 和团队合作.

Pharmacy technicians must be able to work flexible hours, 通过药检, and maintain patient confidentiality, and they should be able to type at least 30 words per minute. The job also has certain physical demands, 比如能够举起, 推, or pull up to 10 pounds; sort small tablets; and stand for long periods of time.

Benefits of a 药学技术人员 Training 程序 

参加药学技术人员培训计划可以帮助个人提高药学技术人员在这个角色中取得成功所需的技能. A training program can help aspiring 药学技术人员s prepare to 进入医疗保健行业, 这是一个独特的部门,为个人提供了对患者健康和福祉产生直接影响的机会. 

这些英国正版365官方网站通常提供课堂和实践培训的结合, allowing students to gain experience in a controlled setting. 另外, a training program can help prepare students for certification, 哪些课程可以进一步验证他们的知识和技能,并有可能为他们带来更广泛的工作机会.

Become a Key Part of Quality Care

一个药学技术人员技能培训英国正版365官方网站将使他们在非常熟练的水平上完成他们的工作. 更重要的是, 它们可以使药学技术人员成为提供高质量医疗保健服务的关键贡献者. Their work can have a direct and positive impact on patients’ lives, which makes this a satisfying career choice. 

365英国上市官网的 医疗保健 technologist and technician training programs can help guide you toward this remarkable career. 我们提供 药学技术人员课程 at several campuses in 阿拉巴马州, 路易斯安那州, 和马里兰州, 每一门课程都旨在让你具备成功所需的知识和技能. 了解我们如何帮助您开始一个伟大的职业生涯.

The Critical Collaboration Between 医疗助理s and Physicians
What Does a 药学技术人员 Do?

Indeed, “13 Reasons to Become a 药学技术人员 (With Job Duties)”
Indeed, “68 Pharmacy Tech Skills for Your Resume”
News Medical Life Sciences, “Pharmacy Practice Profession”
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 药学技术人员s

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